Our Philosophy
No one wants to see elephants needlessly killed. Animal Rights Activists have taken this universal sentiment and turned it into destructive bans on trading ivory and other activities. These bans strip elephants of any monetary value, turning them into pests, and strip incentives for African communities to protect and grow elephant populations. Resisting and reversing these policies is key to promoting long-term elephant conservation.
Our Story
In 2013, nonprofit wildlife organizations joined with animal rights groups to petition governments to ban the sale of ivory based on wildly exaggerated claims of elephant extinction. Beginning with a scrimshander, a wide variety of collectors and businesses who own and trade items made in part of ivory that had been imported to the US decades before the proposed ban joined together to oppose the overbroad and harmful bans that undermine successful conservation programs and ultimately only raise funds for Animal Rights aligned groups.
Despite our efforts, the Obama administration enacted federal regulations that criminalized practically all trade of legally imported ivory between states in the US. Animal Rights groups continued to press for ivory bans within each state to further frustrate and confuse people about elephants in Africa and how legally traded ivory could help them, and we have successfully prevented ivory bans from being enacted in most states.

Doug Bandow
Founding Member
Antique Chess Set Collector

Sandra Brady
Founding Member

Rob Mitchell
Founding Member

Dan Stiles
Founding Member
African Wildlife Researcher